“Each person sees life through different eyes”,

I’ve often heard people philosophize.

They say it so lightly, the meaning seems clear,

But I ponder a moment when those words I hear.


Of course about people, a lot can be said,

But to really define them is a task I would dread.

So many wise men have lived for that task,

Approaching each mind with a question to ask.


They leave in their memoirs, or try to, a clue.

But the Almighty calls them before they are through.

Yet as wise men die, new wise men are born,

Going on with the struggle – ‘til they too, we mourn.


Life’s an over-sized puzzle, each piece fills a place,

And even in dying, we fill up a space.

We’ve come a long way, since wise men began,

Our puzzle’s begun to look more like a plan.


We muse at what picture our puzzle will show,

I wonder if any of use need to know,

Though we may find the answers, the fact will remain –

Once the puzzle is finished, it’s the end of the game.


~ Sandi Burton