God is dwelling in each of our hearts,

He touches our souls everyday,

How foolish to think that our need for him starts,

When we’ve stumbled and lost our own way.


I have found God in my own understanding,

I find him in each act of kindness,

So who are we to be reprimanding –

Blaming God for our own acts of blindness.


Atheists try to explain him away,

But they’ve only managed to prove,

When they open the eyes of their minds everyday,

They can’t find a reason to move.


God cries for those who are lost and alone,

He stands with His hand out to all.

For the wisdom of life that He’s always known –

Is before we can walk – we must crawl.


You ask, “Can we possibly comprehend –

What God really wants us to know?

Unless some small part of His wisdom he’ll lend –

To our minds that are longing to grow”.


We need to struggle, it has to be tough –

To expect to find God’s understanding,

Just going to church isn’t nearly enough,

For the answers of life we’re demanding.


For if He were easy to understand,

And faith, we could simply attain,

How far above us would He really stand.

Once God, and His love, we explained.


The main thing I really would like to say,

Though my words may not seem very clear.

Is that all of us reach Him our own special way,

And for that, He holds all of us dear.


~ Sandi Burton
