Is the grass really green, the sky really blue?

Is love really love, are you really you?

Or is life an illusion, we grasp in confusion,

Accepting what’s easy – as true.


Will we ever be able to really retrieve,

The truth – from the answers we choose to believe?

Have we pacified questions, so childlike we ask –

When our search for the truth became too great a task?


Have we turned a deaf ear, and walked through life blind?

Escaping with fear, from the truth we may find?

Somewhere deep inside me, I can’t help but feel,

Something precious is lost by not knowing what’s real.


So I must go on searching, and stumbling around,

Try hard to be strong – keep my feet on the ground.

When the going gets rough, I’ll keep one thought in mind,

If we ever find peace – first the truth we must find.


It’s a troubled existence, filled with doubts, fears and pain,

But to find just one answer, it won’t be in vain.

For that one grain of truth, there’s no price too high,

My life will have meaning – and with meaning I’ll die.


~ Sandi Burton